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Brand Reputation

Online Reputation Management Techniques For Big Brands

By Anchit Sood -

Reputation Savvy

Who says a big brand doesn’t need an online reputation? In fact, organizations that have already made it to the top of the ladder need to build a credible online reputation in order to retain their position or keep growing. For one, consumers will first check you out on Google before making a buying decision. And with increased tense competition, no business no matter the size should underestimate the importance of online reputation in developing a good brand image. Although big companies are already recognized, have what it takes to market their products, and have already built a strong clientele, that isn’t all to it.  Even as a big brand that is already at its peak, you can still experience huge growth and get positive feedback. 

Is a positive online reputation good for big brands?

Creating and developing a brand is not only about attractive logos or targeted adverts. The digital age has empowered consumers and the playing field has completely been altered. Gone are those days when businesses only focus on marketing and acquiring clients. Consumers today will research brands online before making a purchase. A whopping 84% of consumers have stopped trusting advertisements. They based their decision on cost, quality, and most importantly others’ experience of the brands.

Moreover, stakeholders, partners, and employees will Google search about companies before any commitment. When they search your business online, you hope for them to see your brand in a positive light. That is why online reputation has become vital now more than ever to ensure your public image is at its best. 

Moreover, reputable firms with excellent Search Engine Optimization techniques make it to the top page of search engines like Google. They’re Google’s favorites as it prioritizes trustworthy authoritative websites with content related to relevant keywords. If you grace the first google page, then your site clicks increase. In addition, you get more ROI. 

Unfortunately, several businesses, even those on a large scale, manage their reputations online after a crisis has occurred. Well, maintaining a good name is far better than repairing a damaged one. Therefore, businesses must be proactive when it comes to maintaining a good internet image. Everything from SEM to SEO to public relations must be employed to achieve a positive digital reputation.

How to Effectively Build A Positive Image for Big Firms

Different techniques are used to create positive images for businesses according to the business need.

Conduct a digital reputation audit

Your company’s internet reputation all begins with an audit. First, search for your brand online. After searching, what page does your business appear on, first or third? Is there any negative feedback or irrelevant information? Does the content look put together or scattered? The results are what potential customers view first after searching, and if the results aren’t satisfactory, you need to conduct an audit. This assessment isn’t limited to search engines only. Assess your site, third-party websites, social media profiles, blogs, events, trends, brand mentions, and so on. Then, you’ll know what went wrong and how it should be corrected, removed, or improved to improve your reputation. 

Have an online review management plan

Even if your customers’ feedbacks are good or bad, you need to respond to both reviews and do it fast! 52% of consumers expect businesses to respond to their reviews and 84% want brands to reply to their customers’ feedback on social media between a day or less. Words of mouth can travel like wildfires and any mentions about your business must be handled seriously. A positive buzz will give you a positive reputation and the opposite is the same for a negative. Hence, a response should be given quickly to avoid any negative reviews or mentions going beyond control. For instance, social media is one powerful community where anyone can voice their opinions about your business ethics and thousands of users will read them in no time. This should be avoided at all costs because it can affect the brand’s market value if it’s not quickly attended to. Talk to your customers politely and keep your emotions in check. Correct what needs to be corrected to increase your credibility. 

Make SEO a priority

Brands that are on search engines’ front pages appear more trustworthy. No customer has the patience to go through lots of pages on Google to search for your business. Hence, if your business is not faring well online, then you have to review your SEO practices. However, SEO goes beyond being on Google’s front page. Being on the first page means there must always be positive information about your brand. Therefore, you shelve down any bad search results about your business and good results.

Audience Engagement

The era of faceless big organizations is long gone and they are now engaging with their audience more than ever. Engaging with consumers allows you to connect with them and cater to them. By encouraging discussion about your brand, you are creating a buzz positively that will help build trust and develop loyal fans. Moreover, you can ask them to be authentic, and provide candid feedback about your business. This is a way of letting your audience know you are willing to improve your services and offer the best. 

Offer Excellent Services or Good Products

While image-building firms can help you build your brand’s image, the major work comes from you. No matter how well the reputation service package you, if your products or services are bad, your reputation will fall. Yes, you may start to gain more customers when reputation building starts. But know that these customers will soon lose interest if your services or products are bad. So it is vital to check the quality of your products or services. Then the reputation-building firm can start their work from there.

Work with a reputable online reputation management services

As a big brand, you probably have a lot on your plate and might find online reputation management overwhelming. Online reputation management services boost your brand as they should. They have a lot of revolving wheels and you need expert hands to employ the right methods for your business. ORM service might require money but it’s less than the cost of a damaged online reputation.

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